Meet Mario

I am a passionate “People Growth Evangelist” and in more than 15 years of professional experience as a consultant, project manager and leader I have built up a broad repertoire to empower people individually in their growth journey. Most recently as Director / Lead Global People Development, prior to that 12+ years in the People & Organization units of globally leading management consultancies.

Mario in a nutshell

Certified Professional

  • Business Psychologist, B.A. (Heidelberg)
  • Human Resource Management, Master of HRM (Adelaide)
  • PhD equivalent in Business Administration: Organizational Change / Transformation Management (Ingolstadt)
  • Certified Social Styles Facilitator
  • Certified Scrum Master

Passionate People Growth Evangelist

  • Consultant & Senior Advisor to top leaders (incl. C-level at corporate level) on HR Strategy, Talent Management, Change Management, People Development, Culture Transformation
  • Facilitator of various workshops – standalone and in project settings
  • Trainer in numerous companies and settings
  • University lecturer

T-skilled & -experienced Profile

  • Broad experience in various industries (automotive, consumer goods, finance / banking, telecom & high-tech, pharma & medtech, public sector and many more) and organization types (mid-size, large corporation, administration)
  • Deep knowledge in HR, personnel and organizational development, leadership, New Work, culture and transformation
  • Deep methodological knowledge and know-how in strategy and concept work, project management, communication and leadership

Based in Munich & at Home in the Global (Digital) Village

  • Lived in various places in Germany, in Sweden and Australia in the past
  • Today, I am based in Munich – from here I support (virtually or on-site) clients in Germany and abroad in my working languages German and English
  • My work abroad (America, Europe, Asia) and my digital collaboration with people of different backgrounds make me adept and empathetic in working with all cultures

This is how I work

This is how I work

  • Solution first, politics second. The right solution is in focus – with the situation and context in mind. And political considerations only when they are really needed.
  • Everyone on board, faster to the solution. What is true in change management is also true for any other project. If you involve key stakeholders early on, you will have to make fewer corrections later on.
  • Think and act positively. Because too many negative thoughts block progress unnecessarily.
  • Methodically adept & flexible in the situation. There is usually no “one-fits-all”.
  • Fun at work, because it always makes things easier.
  • Digital, where possible; personal, where useful.

Working Principles

Always keep the goal in mind

Data & facts first, assumption second

Positive vibes

Inclusive – every opinion counts